ARTpool Gallery & VINTAGE boutique
919 1st Avenue North, Downtown St. Petersburg FL
Tues-Sat 12-5pm 727.324.3878
100% of all sales goes to the ARTists, no gallery commissions.
Postcard Souvenir Project Summer 2009
World Wide Art Project Opening Installation
Saturday June 13, 2009
All USA postcards must be post marked by June 1, 2009
International post cards must be received by June 6, 2009
Create a unique 4”x6” postcard utilizing paint, photography,
mixed media, collage, and original artwork for ARTpool’s world wide
‘PSPS09’ art project.No limit, submit as many postcards as you are
inspired to create.All ages, all artwork, all creativity welcome.
Drop off or mail your art project postcard to:
ARTpool Gallery
919 1st Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
Direct all questions to Marina Williams
727.324.3878 artpoolrules@gmail.com
Be sure to denote the following information on the back of your postcard:
Name: ____________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
Tell us how you heard of the show: _____Jennifer Z's blog!________________
Write ‘PSPS09’ on the back of your postcard.
‘PSPS09’ Must be written on the back of your card for it to be
a part of the installation. Writing ‘PSPS09’ represents that
submitted post card(s) will become a permanent piece at
ARTpool’s continued PSPS world wide art project.
Postcards will not be returned and will become
property of ARTpool LLC. Your Name will be listed
as a contributing artist in our press releases for the event.